Christina @ Identiverse 2020

Identiverse 2020: A Balancing Act: Identity, Privacy, and Security in a Data Sharing Economy Panel

Identiverse 2020: A Balancing Act: Identity, Privacy, and Security in a Data Sharing Economy Panel

Identiverse, "the Identity Industry Conference to attend," is where all the brightest minds in the digital identity space converge. 

This year, I had the honor of moderating a panel of experts at the intersection of Security, Identity, and Privacy. If you live in the Identity & Security space, you'd understand how excited I was to participate (and also see my face on the speaker page). 

Our panel, A Balancing Act: Identity, Privacy, and Security in a Data Sharing Economy, explored the risks and implications of: 

  • Data-sharing across enterprises and a *new* remote workforce. 

  • Moving to a Zero Trust Architecture by leveraging identity as the control plane.

  • Contact tracing & data collection. 

We opted to do a live panel, so there were a few technical hiccups that were to be expected during a live event, but we rolled with the punches and had a blast. A huge shout out to Pamela Dingle, Heidi Wachs, and Alice Wang, working with them on this was so much fun.

And a special thank you to the Identiverse staff for operating at the highest level of professionalism. 

I hope to see the crew again next year! 


Goodbye Microsoft!


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