April endings & beginnings


Our time is limited. The only failure is not being true to yourself 100% of the time. Make sure to spend every minute of it living in your purpose. - Me

Earlier this year, I wrote about the constant reminders of how fragile life truly is, and how important it is for us to be intentional about how, where and what we spend our time on. Even if you are scared, you should do it anyway.

After much deliberation and reflection, I recently came to the very difficult decision to leave my role as a Sr. Security Product Manager at Marqeta. I am super appreciative of having had the chance to be a part of the company, and especially the Security Engineering team, a team of brilliant engineers solving really tough problems. I want to humbly thank the team for letting me be a part of that. For the sake of brevity, and privacy, I will leave it at, you know who you all are….thank you!

2021 has been a whirlwind of a year. On top of living through a global pandemic, and all that comes with that, I lost my dad to cancer on April 1st. A huge loss to say the least and one that I may never fully heal from however, it reminded me that I have to continue to be intentional about who I am, and what I love to do, in all aspects of my life.

I was once again reminded that finding ones Ikigai is crucial.

While Product management is fascinating, it is just not my purpose right now. I take comfort in knowing that I gave it a shot, and maybe one day I will return, who knows.

I Am More Comfortable With The Idea Of Failure Than I Am With Regret. - Melissa Butler 

For now, I am super excited to be starting a new chapter and getting back to all things Cloud Security & Azure AD Identity as a Cloud Security Lead at a Boutique Security firm, with an all star team.

I have said this before and I will say it again. Our time is limited. The only failure is not being true to yourself 100% of the time. Make sure to spend every minute of it living in your purpose.

We are only here for a short blip, remember? Do it scared, Do it anyway

Rest In Peace, Dad ♥️

A version of this post was originally shared on LinkedIn on April 8th, 2021.


Announcing: 97 things Every Information Security Professional Should Know (The Book), O’Reilly Media, September 2021


Grand Opening, Grand Closing